Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne

I found this story very intresting, easy to understand, and easy guess the end of it. I think the main value here is the love, because we can see that even though Georgina doesn't want to take her birthmark away, she decides to make her husband happy and lets him experiment on her. Eventhough many people think her birthmark "is very charming and lovely, many men will kill to kiss it."

Since the begining I knew the birthmark had something to do with her life, and after he has the dream of the birthmark I think it was a message for him to say "this is what the birthmark is for her, don't do it." But he misunderstood it and his obssesion with that birthmark was so important that he ended up killing his wife.

I liked the story in the end, because it represents how unsignificant things can be for someone, but they really have a big value.

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